結束在澳洲長達11天的旅程  拖著疲累的身體回NZ
搭飛機對我來說還是很新鮮  而且來回都很幸運地是靠窗的位子
NZ綠油油的一大片  澳洲是乾燥到有東一塊西一塊的沙漠

飛機回到NZ的時候  有種回家了的感覺  很想念我可愛的房間

過海關的時候  已經沒有第一次來NZ那種忐忑的感覺
Custom和biosecurity人員問問題時  我也很輕鬆的回答

在通過biosecurity時  檢查人員問我有沒有帶food
(ps. biosecurity是怕你帶了會破壞NZ農業和生態的蟲入境)
Doreen: yes, just chocolate.
biosecurity: great. any tramping shoes?
Doreen: (指著腳) only this.
biosecurity: (看著我的學生簽證) what is your major?
Doreen: earth science for now.
biosecurity: what topic?
Doreen: (這不是custom才問的嗎?) soil.
biosecurity: (皺眉) what kind of soil?
Doreen: volcanic-ash soil.
biosecurity: (很感興趣) which volcano? where?
Doreen: near Hamilton, but I forget the name of volcano.
biosecurity: (不死心) Taupo? Rotoma?
Doreen: yes yes, I had collected soil samples from those areas.
biosecurity: (喜悅的臉) wow, hope your study is going well.

就在我拎起行李要經過他時  他又回頭問我一句話
biosecurity: last question, do you know when is next eruption?
Doreen: (這時候我也忍不住笑出來了) sorry, I don't know.
我記得我當時有問過David紐西蘭還有沒有活火山  David說沒有
而且當初David也是很俏皮地和我說we will be fine.
Doreen: my advisor is an expert, he said we will be fine.
biosecurity: (鬆了一口氣地擦額頭的汗) Hu~ that's great.
他應該是住在North Island的人吧(哈)
  我笑著離開biosecurity那關  再次入境NZ

後來和David說這件事的時候  他也是笑不停

今天好累  一直和David在改proposal


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